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Does Your Law Firm's Website Suck?
Monday, April 1, 2024 Green Cardigan Marketing, LLC Is your law firm's website outdated? Is it not converting the types of clients you want to work with? Complete the downloadable scorecard to assess your website's effectiveness.
25 AI Prompts for Legal Marketing
Tuesday, January 30, 2024 Spotlight Branding for Legal AI will not replace lawyers, but lawyers who use AI will replace lawyers who don't. Download your free copy to stay ahead of the curve and not behind the 8-ball.
Research / Report
2023 Legal Trends Report
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 Clio Explore Clio’s analysis of the legal industry in our latest 2023 Legal Trends Report. Introducing new financial health metrics, the power of leverage and the transformative impact of AI on the legal industry.
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